Texture Plate Storage and Care Instructions
In order to ensure your tools remain in good working condition, it is recommended that you keep them stored in a cool, dry place. We realize that many of our clients live in warmer and more humid climates, however, so here are some suggestions to help you extend the longevity of your tools:
* Do NOT leave your plates stored inside the cellophane bags or shipping packaging. It is possible for moisture to accumulate inside and prolonged storage in this packaging can create the perfect environment for rust and discoloration to form. The plastic packaging is used to prevent the plates from cutting through the packaging and shifting during shipment, that is it. They should be discarded as soon as your order arrives.

* If possible, keep your plates in a cool dry place and store them with desiccants or a de-humidifier. If you look on amazon you should be able to find desiccants that will change color as they absorb moisture and you can re-charge them by letting them air out or following the instructions that came with them. Small electric de-humidifiers are also available and can easily fit into smaller storage spaces such as drawers or totes. These are also easily re-charged - check to make sure the de-humidifier you intend to use will work for your storage space. You may also consider getting a large de-humidifier for your whole shop space. These are usually available at local hardware stores and the one I use comes with a $200 price tag that services a room the size of a single car garage.

* It's best to keep your plates stored in a manner that prevents overlapping. Though this is not entirely necessary with the right environment, those who live in warmer, more humid climates my find that rust can form in between their texture plates. I use a cell phone holder to keep some of my tools stored. The link can be found HERE and will store 12, 24, or 36 plates vertically, preventing them from touching each other and making it easy to see your designs clearly.

*You may need to consider using a rust preventative agent that can be applied directly to your tools. The instructions for both removing rust/discoloration as well as the application of one of these preventatives can be found in Berta's Blog under Removing and Preventing Rust on Your Tools.
Taking good care of your tools and storing them properly will prolong the life of your tools and save you all a lot of heartache. We all know that if rust builds up for too long, it tends to pit the metals and can have a negative effect on your work with them. You worked hard to purchase these products so you can use them, so I hope this helps you all learn to care for them!