About the Artist

My name is Roberta Pihl - I am a Montana resident, mother of three and an Iraqi War veteran. I have an AAOT in Biology and quit college in the process of getting my Bachelor's degree for Natural Resources with a minor in Botany to play with metal art! I am thoroughly addicted to the craft and love to help others!
I have been metalsmithing since 2009 and am self taught. Everything I learned was through the use of books, videos and the help of other metalsmiths. I have always had an affinity with tools (and love for art!) and after coming home from the war I needed a craft to be able to express my creative side and keep my hands busy: metalsmithing fit the bill since I was a mechanic for the US Army (1st Cavalry Division 15th FSB.)
I started carving stamps in 2014, practicing on cheap rebar. After picking them up and putting them down, I decided in the beginning of 2017 to really get serious about it. I did as much research as I could and got some great help from other metal workers in the steel industry.
In 2018 I began making texture plates to aid in texturing sheet to aid metal artists in adding that little bit of depth to their pieces. I use them myself regularly and found a whole new love for the craft!
I take a lot of pride in seeing people use the tools I create for them on work they create for themselves or others. I also enjoy sharing knowledge and am always happy to assist others in learning the craft! Be it soldering, stamping, setting stones or even carving stamps of their own, I try to make myself as available as possible to help others learn the art they're as passionate about as I am! If you ever have any questions you can contact me directly and I will try to respond as quickly as possible!